Genre Interest
Not what I would have guessed (and some responses may yet come in).
- Science Fiction / Far Future (most Liked + Favorited)
- Post Apocalyptic
- Fantasy (most Favorited)
- Super Powers
- Near Future (most "Not Sure")
- (above here zero "Not Interested")
- Spies and Mysteries
- Military Action
- Wild West
- Time-Travel / Dimension Hopping
- Steampunk
- Supernatural
- (below here multiple "Not Interested")
- Pre-WWII Adventure
- Modern
- Horror
- Martial Arts (least interest of any type)
- Victoriana (most "Not Interested")
Focusing on the positive, not that there is a need to combine anything but some very preliminary thoughts leap to mind:
Sci-Fi + Post Apoc. = Megatraveller Rebellion-ish (some bits of I've recently acquired) or Star Viking (which Traveller borrows a lot from). It would be pretty well suited to a strategic and tactical game. Hacked to bajeezus, naturally.
Fantasy + Post Apoc. = something I made some notes on last year. I envisioned players having a writ to recover land devastated by a comet impact and try to improve with a bit of the feel of Crusader Kings 2 on the strategic level. Based on actual Europe.
And there's a fantasy idea I have set in real Europe that becomes quasi-apocalyptic that doesn't involve a comet.
Super Powers could quickly become the cause of a Post Apocalyptic setting by creating the apocalypse. That's basically Abberant, or Rising Stars. And I've been looking at Marvel's FASERIP system a lot lately - it's all free online.
Other things:
Most are fine with some math and are cool with whatever dice work. Everyone whats to put some thought in to their characters. Pretty evenly split on how to generation method except that no one likes pre-gens - as it should be.
Split between Classes (with prestige or sub-classes) and Skills (with some restrictions) for those having a preference.
I like my character to enter the game universe as... Pretty evenly spread amongst all answers
Level up or Leveled up? Almost all for Variable.
Power levels. The clear preference is up to human theoretical maximum.
Character generation methods: no interest for Class and Race with prereqs or building points for everything but nothing else is consistent.
Current Thoughts: The Hundred Light Years War?
I'm leaning Sci-Fi. Perhaps with a touch of Apocalypse (fall of the Empire - Game of Space Thrones? Space Kingmaker?). It allows for some of the other well-liked broad categories such as Military Action (Space Marines) and Spies and Mysteries (Sandbaggers in Space?).